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Hebei strange hanging curtain Wedding

Custom wedding hang curtain
Hebei Marriage
Chengde, Hebei Province in China along with the custom of marriage hanging doors and windows. Day in a wedding ceremony, cheap bridesmaid dresses the bride's dowry to the groom first, then accompanied by the bride and the bride's brother to send people to the groom to go pro. And so the bride and groom into the house, the bride's brother then took a curtain hanging in the new home of the door. Curtain, mostly red or pink, embroidered with colorful mandarin ducks playing in the water or Silk peaks, is very colorful celebration. Brother curtain hanging over the bride, the groom's family to send a small red paper packets do like the money bag containing four yuan six yuan eight yuan range, but are even numbers, meaning the couple want to grow old in pairs.

Hanging curtain of this practice on a beautiful story. Legend of the Western Han Dynasty Huns everywhere, HW for the inviolability of borders, and to promote the Huns on the HW tribute to concede defeat, they should take marriage between good way to achieve the purpose. Hou Ming Fei Wang Zhaojun married Huns from the north please, HW very happy to do immediately recognized her adopted daughter, and prepared for her all along the rich dowry, from industrial products, grains, seeds, textile painting to jewelry, clothing, cheap evening dresses gold and silver treasure, everything, taste everything. Zhaojun is a talented woman with courage shenanigans, she spent three full days of time to see these dowry eleven completed, it would be for HW said: "Father, also lack a thing." Kingship thought: You are my In order to identify and only under the meaning of the pro-women, supposedly this is a very rich dowry, how still missing something? then asked which one still missing you? Zhaojun that I heard here on the prairie than the Palace of housing, although that house But do not hang the door curtain, people outside can see a house more than a inconvenience. Why not the palace of the curtain father gave his daughter a house to cover the door, convenient for the baby; two curtain to look at her every day, every day and miss a home. HW hear that makes sense, do it immediately satisfactory curtain and curtain life escort Ambassadors, the wedding day to hang on the door Zhaojun.
Later Tangchao Wen said the Tibetan leader Songtsan princess to marry, the prince pro-tang Zeng also send Princess Wen Cheng, and married Princess Wen Cheng of the day to hang curtains. In this way, the bride brother hanging curtain of this practice has been passed down. After the liberation, people's lives are rich, increased purchasing cheap homecoming dresses power, the curtain is not only the dowry in real products, has become more ornament. In recent years, although the wedding simple, but still have to hang the curtain and the bride must also brother to hang. If the bride is not your brother have a little boy from her family to hang.
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Anhui Traditional Marriage

In ancient Huizhou, led to a marriage, can be divided roughly match, betrothal, into the ceremony, co-pro four stages. There are nine general procedure: matchmaking, Hang Pin, please view, move the line to marry, open face, wedding, weddings, bridal chamber, back to the door. After the above stages and procedures, it is "Soong, and another child marriage, concubinage, for parents, wife's family, joyous, spiritual and other special form of marriage before the marriage. Huizhou people's old marriage customs, by the impact of the feudal ethical code, its a lot of red tape, with many of the superstitious and the sale of marital factors. Here we have from the marriage of nine procedures Huizhou, one by one to a better understanding so that we do.
Matchmaking: the old society, the ancient ritual, men over 18 years as "twenties, women over 15 years of" and. Thirteen-year-old children to the parents began to care about their marriage. Marriage stress good match, in fact, every woman look climb up, the man was in need of appropriate accommodation. Therefore, "married women seeking high, Minato whispered to discuss the pro-argument.; Generally a good thing cheap bridesmaid dresses by the village gossips, lobbying contacts, match making phone calls, or objects selected by the man commissioned to propose marriage matchmaker. Woman as agreed, matchmaker get the woman on the red one to the groom Niangeng character, character set will be the man under the seat Kitchen God, to test whether the writing on the wall and if the kitchen three days without losing the drive to play bowls, chopsticks are not missing a small scoop that initially auspicious. again men and women at two Fangsheng Chen character to the fortune teller to see if the clash of grams, all pass, before making a formal confirmation Qiuqin Yue He.

Hang Pin: commonly known as "made up" engagement, both to determine the marriage, the selected auspicious day, the red paste prepared by the man known as "duck gift book, written on the man page, including date of birth, into a red envelope, with Write a request to freeze the marriage of the article, prepared under a new brush and a new red ink into a "batch of the book box, please bring a male relative of the house approved the book box, with the matchmaker to women at home, commonly known as" make up the book, while also based on the woman asked to send "the first section of ceremony, such as clothing, jewelry, gift and silver. Yixian County as a gift during the Republican rule is the 108 silver silver. But this also depends on household wealth and not so much, but all eight ending, meaning "to hair, leave eight of Italy, and silver on each chop should be written on with a red double happiness character. The woman up to the parents by post-( father and brother) in the duck pen and ink with their new gift book written within the female Fang Shengchen character page on the left, and then write on the cover of "pro-Yun down, back to the man this" batch of books. woman accept the gifts, for dowry , since the rich tend to increase in dowry, so that even a formal engagement. Yuanyang engagement ceremony of the book is evidence. betrothal, the man was a year three are gifts to the woman home.
Please period: engaged, married men and women, the man ask the matchmaker come a marriage request, to be promised, by the married man pick up election date, writing on the red Jian, accompanied by the appropriate gift, please go-to woman at home. In ancient times they called "Please period. Modern called" free day. Moving line married: married the day before or the day, the man to be sent to the woman home to move dowry, known as "moving the line to marry. During the moving line to marry, both men and women home decorated, Gun play music. Dowry usually room furniture and daily necessities. Baixia rich people also put some gold and silver jewelry, food, clothing, supplies ranging industry, opportunities are available to enjoy life. (some even coffin get ready!!).
On the surface: also known as "ramen in the evening dresses wedding day, aunt or aunt to give the bride open face, that is the target with two threads twisted hair to the forehead of the bride, or to be ridiculed as a" gross face. On the surface means that the girl has ended.
Wedding: married duty, to marry the bride to use the sedan chair, a few areas along the river by boat. Escorting officers generally matchmaker, Xiniang, uncle, uncle, and with the bride and groom young men and women of similar age. Sedan Chair who is four, the rich people to eight. Groom generally cocktail dresses in person, there are no drumming Shexian, not the groom's wedding site. To the woman home, the door closed the woman to be man enough to plug in the door in a "happy package, just open the door, Gun welcoming and then began" weeping, crying her daughter header, but the cries for more is not the sad sense of music. Why does it cry? Is said to "cry no hair, weeping and Hair. Palanquin to go out after some places secretly filled a bowl of water out of the sedan chair thrown out as the symbol of" a married woman, poured out water. Bride to groom's village that is stalled to wait for the groom back into the village, there is another story, if marriage quarrel, a wife can claim "not my own to go home, and are you coming back to me.
Weddings: Shexian customs, the sedan chair to the floor house man, the groom personally welcome to the hall, that line of weddings ceremony, the custom is to Yixian County to man house car door, her in-laws, the groom are upstairs, to wait for the bride into the bridal chamber, pass with the same time shouting "generation of high-generation generation generation wins the bride into the bridal chamber after a short break, the line was out of weddings ceremony.
The bridal chamber: Anthurium banquet Sanxi, the relatives and friends gathered in the bride's place, we use a variety of different ways to tease the bride laugh or tease out a number of challenges to them as fun. Map is "fried hair.
Back door: the third day of the wedding, the bride back to her parents to visit, this is the "back door, such as the groom with send, or" double- Door, the first son home to eleven of various pro-older audience with his wife's family, his wife's family to open seats at noon feast-law, known as pick-law. Huizhou is known as "Mothers see the son, like the emperor," and son live ancestral home, "Teng say so very grand. The first time back to the door, waiting for sunset, the couple must leave to go home.
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How the wedding couple only decent entertainment

Wedding reception the bride and groom have entertaining skills

Prior knowledge of the background bridesmaid dresses guests

Before the wedding guests have a rough understanding is very important because both the man's friends came, but also the woman's friends, some of them may have had no contact with each other, so register in advance and the phase front of the invitation some can greatly thin the provision of mutual understanding in the wedding-free produce embarrassing scene.

Analysis of the character of the guests

Some of the guests outgoing personality, some introverted, not the one, and for that they should be treated separately: outward and inward friends of friends as much as possible match while sitting, sitting is best met through the same table, in the wedding Do not forget a friend within a timely manner and they say hello, but not too much pains in them, such as forced toast and so on.

Battle to cope with drinks

Bride and groom in the wedding of friends and family will inevitably be toast, but it must be half-hearted, certainly not the beginning of the show are doing generous Bei Bei, or whether old friends or SGX will come with you evening dresses a "bird Sri Lanka, will not only affect the zero-Ding drunk for the entire wedding party, the worse the bridal chamber, "a good thing! so we should be prepared before the wedding, pick the two would drink the best man bridesmaids and articulate as a shield, and this must be Oh!

Cope with entertainment

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Qingdao honeymoon wedding make you feel the feeling again

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Qingdao Qingshan among the living in the embrace of the sea, a unique natural environment for Qingdao, a rare tourist destination. If you have plenty of time, it may be sitting on the beach, lean on a railing overlooking either the sea breeze gently blowing, the waves of sounds Kikunami whisper; may wish to live in the mountains, fine chemicals Mountain Oasis, the morning's mist, life Enron; may wish to walk in the promenade, enjoy the landscape of the tortuous, winding the beautiful view, so that wind blown dust, quiet fade away tired, dirty and cleaned up the waves.

If you do construction work, the construction of Qingdao tour is hard to resist. Old buildings are generally old western city of Qingdao (the area between the trestle to homecoming dresses the mall), more concentrated. Living room No. 5 Seagull Agile is Agile B seagulls, relatively close to these places.